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Storm Islands
Storm Islands - Guide and Walk-through
LADY EVA (US1)LADY EVA (US1) Posts: 457 24.03.2015 edited 28.08.2015 in Strategy and Tactics Discussion

Welcome to the Storm Islands - the expedition continues!!

Should I do storm island expedition at level35?
Storm islands are a very unique map in empire. At the end of the month, the moon storm will hit the storm islands. Troops stationed in storm islands will make it back home to the great empire, but your progress in the castle will be eradicated. And you have to start over again. There for the strategy to success in storm island is different from other maps. It is important to understand what you can do within 30 days.

What can I gain from Storm Islands?
# collect aquamarine and exchange for unique items
# win coins and rubies for alliance fund
# achieve titles such as "storm lord"
# win rare decorative items
# get new strong units such as shark tooth warrior and sail ripper

It can be difficult for a level 35 player to enter storm islands and get all the benefits. As you have only 30 days, you have to send resources from other maps to Storm Island. Building production buildings is useless in this map. So do you have enough resources to send?

You can loot resources from resources islands. Usually the defenses of these islands are very strong. You gonna need 500+ strong troops for a single attack. So do you have a good supply of coins to recruit troops?

If so, you are good to go to storm islands. Even though you don’t have these requirements you can go to storm islands and get most of the benefits. let’s talk about that strategy in this thread.

Lets begin the expedition
At level 35, you can start your storm islands expedition. Here everything is on islands. You get to use ships to travel around and attack.. It is a whole new level of strategy and war!

Before you can set out you must gather enough resources for the campaign. You need to gather~





Also you can pay with rubies. You don't have to pay all of them at once. as you have only 30 days to work with, so its important that you pay the necessary costs as soon as possible and start the expedition.


Preparation troops, resources and coins 
You are going to need more resources for the upgrades and castle expansions. It's little bit expensive to send resources to storm island so it's better to keep around 10,000+ resources ready to transport. For troops for the first attack recruit 550~600 strong troops with 70%+ ranged troops. You need to have enough coin to send troops to storm islands.

After you have paid the expedition costs, you are asked to choose a location for your island. you can choose north, south, east west or random.

Then you can name your island.

What'’s in the world map?
not like great empire the entire map is an ocean. there are
# player islands
# resources islands
# storm forts

resources islands 
resources islands are like resources villages. But you can’t keep them for a long time. Once you captured a resources island an occupation time will be given to you. After the occupation time is over the island sinks and the remaining troops from the battle will return to your island with lots of resources. There are 3 types of resources islands.

small wood/ stone island
occupation time =4 hours
plunder =20000 wood or stone
defense around 200 troops

large wood/ stone island
occupation time = 8 hours
plunder = *
defense around 550 troops

small aquamarine islands
occupation time = 6 hours
plunder = 11500 aquamarine
defense around 550 troops

large aquamarine island
occupation time = 18 hours
plunder = 52000 aquamarine
defense around 550 troops

Storm forts
storm forts are similar to robber barron castles in great empire. They start from level 10 and runs up to level 80. Not like robber barron castles, when they are destroyed they sinks. You can loot resources from these forts. And find strong items.

Your castle in storm islands
You will be given a castle in an island with few buildings.

What are the new buildings in storm islands?
There are 2 new buildings in storm islands. First one is harbor. As we all live in islands we can'’t use the stables. You will need boats and ships to transport. You can upgrade of course to increase the the speed.

You can also build cargo ships. Cargo ships secure aquamarine and help to ship them to Great Empire. You can upgrade cargo ships to increase their capacity as well.

cargo ships

What is aquamarine? 
Aquamarine is a new type of resources. You can'’t produce aquamarine. You must plunder it. The most efficient way of looting aquamarine is to occupy resources islands. Also attacking storm forts will give you some aquamarine. Ex from a level 70 storm fort you can get around 10,000 aquamarine.

What you can buy with aquamarine?
Similar to a native village, Storm Island has Luna’s trade boat to exchange resources for items and troops.

List of items you can find in storm islands
what is important about storm island is that you can get good items from collecting aquamarine as a solo player or as a alliance.
<for complete list please refer to the post#2>

Storm lord and dishonorable titles
the leader of the best places alliance will be named as "storm lord" the new ruler of the storm islands. the storm lord can award special titles to other players. these titles can have positive or negative affects for their recipients. all title holders including storm lord is given a significant look.

the storm lord
all honorable titles
dishonorable titles

Honorable titles 

the master of arms
+100% recruitment speed

the shadow master
+100% more spies

the prince of war
+20% attack bonus

the mighty
+30% food production

Dishonorable titles 

the weak
+100% glory and loot for attackers

the beggar king
- 30% public order

the timid
+100% coins for recruitment

the feeble
-30% army travel speed

Cargo points and ranking rewards
cargo points are only important if you are playing the storm islands map as team with alliance members. if you are doing a solo play don't spend your aquamarine building cargo ships. its useless.
to get cargo points you have to build cargo ships with aquamarine and upgrade them to increase the cargo points. level 1 cargo ship gives you 50 cargo points. the idea of building cargo ships is to transport aquamarine to great empire. when the moon storm hits all buildings will be lost except for cargo ships. as they are ships they can survive the storm and secure the aquamarine. ranking rewards are as follows.

top 1 reward
the storm lord title for 30 days (till next moon storm)

top 5 reward
ancestors of the storm island decorative item and 100,000 rubies for alliance fund

200,000 cargo points
stingray spear, shark sword for alliance members and 40,000 rubies for fund

160,000 cargo points
random level 6 gem for alliance members and 30,000 rubies for fund

90,000 cargo points
amulet of the water dragon, idol of solitude for alliance members and 30,000 rubies for fund

50,000 cargo points
30,000 rubies and 300,000 coins for fund

15,000 cargo points
25,000 rubies and 275,000 coins for fund

5000 cargo points
25,000 rubies and 250,000 coins for fund

Strategy guide 

you can benifit from storm islands as a solo player, as an alliance or as both. if your alliance members are not doing storm islands dont bother building cargo points. its useless.

what you need to success in storm islands (in general)

1. commander
commander is very important in storm islands. most of the time hero bonus does not work in storm islands (not confirmed) so you have to rely on the 4 equipment.
the priority must be given to wall + gate + moat bonus. and if possible add range damage bonus items. by adding wall +gate +moat equipment, reduce the amount of tools you need to place to overcome defense, and allows you to add more range defense negate tools.

for example: ( My commander is pretty bad, but he did well)

be sure to add gem of the battle cry to all your equipment. ( the pink gem which increase the strength of the attackers in the keep by +%.

2. tools and coins
you need lot of tools. most of the time you have to transport tools from other maps. so be sure to gather enough coins before you start the mission. or you will happen to give up at the middle without getting any equipment.

As a Solo player
as a solo player your priority target must be to obtain the 4 special items from Luna's trading boat.

castle build -solo play
you already have 4 level 9 farm houses and 50k food in your storage. but the storage level is 2. the food production per hour is around 420, which is not enough. so the first task is to upgrade the storage to max level.

to do so, you can send resources from other maps or farm resources islands. as sending costs almost the half what you send, its recommended to farm resources islands. you need to catch a small stone, and a wood island, thet will be enough to upgrade storage to max level.

small islands are easy to catch. they have less troops but lot of defensive tools.

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sending around 150 troops, flanks only with full mantlets will do the job. bt you will lose like 50 this way.

next (optional) upgrade siege workshop, so you can make mantlest from the remaining resources. build the hospital so you can save some of the troops.

troops and tools 
to catch a small aqua/ large aqua islands you need 330 veteran crossbowman or if you go with heavy crossbowman then around 500 of them. (it is recommended to use veteran troops or higher or you will lose lots of troops.
as for tools wall and range defense deny tools are needed.

if you use full mantlets and deny wall and gate defense you will lose more troops. the most effective method is to even up the wall+gate +moat as much as you can and then fill the remaining space with mantlets. that's why you need a wall+gate commander than range boost commander.

you can get dummy peasants from luna trading boat but its very expensive. dont waste aqua on them.

the troops comp is somewhat similar to this.

it takes 2 large aquamarine islands or 8 small ones to get the 80k item.

you can buy the equipment only once.

as an alliance 
you can do a lot as an alliance in storm islands. you can go for the cargo points and get all the rewards.

castle build 

it is somewhat similar to solo build. you must need to max storage. you can go for the optional buildings.

to build more cargo ships you need more space. so you have to take castle expansions. to do so, keep catching small resources islands or large ones and expand the castle.

you have get rid of the unnecessary buildings too. such as stone, wood production buildings etc. only keep what you need most, demolish the rest.
once you are done building the castle, start attacking aqua islands and building cargo ships.

the attack strategy is the same as above.

solo +alliance
if your alliance is not pushing towards a 90k point or trying to be top 5, you have the freedom to build cargo ships and get equipment at the same time. go for the the equipment first and build cargo ships with the remaining aqua.

storm islands is a fun map to play. good luck with your expedition. :)