
Everyone in our group has a say in matters and the combined effort is to create better understandings, unified rules, to set and accomplish goals, and to build a stronger combined alliance unity. All people that meet will be on the same level and all alliances will be honored with respect. We have created a chat so that all members can unify and communicate easily. There of course will not be profanity, rude behavior or other unacceptable actions allowed. A join box has been installed below to easily transfer you to the alliance chat area.



email me
Meetings: Thursday evenings @ 8:00 PM ET

  "The strength of many"
  The only viable defense...is a strong defense.

  "The strength of many"
  The only viable defense...is a strong defense.
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The Excalibur Group
The Excalibur Group
​The Benefits of Joining the  Excalibur Group 
There are many benefits of joining~

First, the ability to surround yourself with competent, experienced people that can advise you accurately on a multitude of topics. Many alliances have set up their own rules of conduct, conditions that will dictate a war status, what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. The collective will post rules in writing to avoid verbal mis communications, misunderstandings and other factors that may be vague and lead to incorrect assumptions.

Many times, an alliance will attack you from afar with the belief that they are too far away for successful counter attacks to be launched. By having multiple alliances through out a vast area, the attacking alliance now has an immediate counter attack ready that is very close to them and may serve as a deterrent in their aggressive stance.

Becoming an Excalibur Leader, you now have other experienced leaders that can assist with viable advise on situations and serve as an advisory team. Also if an alliance has a member that is closer to another Excalibur alliance, trade offs (transfers) can be done easily so as that member has better support provided by a closer main body, working well for all alliances involved.

Trading off (transfering) distant members will also serve to bring in new members that are closer making your alliance stronger as as whole
The Excalibur Group
The Excalibur Group has a common goal to work with other alliances to learn from one another, work together, and advance together in concert to excel, prosper and to assist every member in good faith in all goals set forth. It is the determination of our members to protect our combined assets while increasing our presence for the good of all.  
It is with great pride that we announce the creation of the Excalibur Group. We are an expanding alliance force dedicated to being a solution rather than a problem. A new comprehensive constitution is under way, and new active members are being solicited to assist in our continued growth. It is our common goal to learn from one another, work together, and advance together in concert to excel, prosper and to assist every member in good faith in all goals set forth. It is our determination to protect our combined assets while increasing our presence for the good of all.

Rules of Engagement:

1: RV Theft is an act of war, we will declare on you. 
2: Attacks on Outposts is an act of war, we will retaliate. 
3: One for one glory hits is considered fair play, unless it continues past first hit, or is used on separate alliance members. 
4: If subs are brought in on us, we will do the same. 
5: In war, all is fair (RV capture, OP capture, etc...)